Kun Design Prémium quality custom furnitures
We offer our customers a full range of carpentry services with the help of our experienced professionals and modern machinery and tools.
Whether it is furniture design, production, contract assembly or even complex interior design solutions, our company can be contacted for all your individual needs.
Our qualified team will realise your ideas to the highest standards, guaranteeing uniqueness and quality.
We have our own polishing booth, edge sealing machine, board dividing machine, locksmith's workshop, upholsterer's workshop and we are at our customers' disposal for the purchase of kitchen appliances.Whatever the project, the most important thing for us is the customer's satisfaction and the precise, outstanding workmanship.
We pay attention to every detail, keeping in mind our customers' ideas and requests, even for individual furniture designs or larger projects.We work closely with our partners from the concept to the installation.
Prémium élettér tucatlakások helyett
valódi luxus
Értékálló, minden részletében egyedi, igényesen kialakított belvárosi luxuslakást találni fáradtságos folyamat, ami sokaknak hosszú évek alatt sem sikerül. Jól tudom, hogy ügyfeleim számára minden idő pénz, emiatt nyújtok teljeskörű segítséget ilyen lakását találni, akár saját, akár befektetési célra.