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Interior design - Furnishing & Design

At home.
The word brings to mind different things: a warm fireplace on an autumn evening, a soft bed on a cold winter's night, a cosy chat in the living room, or simply a relaxing hot bath after a day's work. But it has one meaning: a place where I feel good, where I can recharge, relax or share important events in my life with family and friends.

In 2007, I completed a two-year training course in interior design at the Junior Art Center, with the most excellent instructors. I gained professional experience with several interior designers. In 2008, I was chosen by the profession as Career Interior Designer of the Year. Then I went back to school and got my degree in interior design in 2014.

I have been a contributor to the Magazine  "Home"  since 2008. With my existing knowledge I would like to help to turn the apartment into a real home, the café into a pleasant meeting point, the office into a practical workplace that meets all needs, but only by taking into account the needs of the customers.

In 2011, I launched my webshop, where I sell interior accessories, and since 2015 I have been producing curtains and home textiles for my customers in my own sewing room. Interior design is not just a profession, it is a way of life!


Prémium élettér tucatlakások helyett
valódi luxus

Értékálló, minden részletében egyedi, igényesen kialakított belvárosi luxuslakást találni fáradtságos folyamat, ami sokaknak hosszú évek alatt sem sikerül. Jól tudom, hogy ügyfeleim számára minden idő pénz, emiatt nyújtok teljeskörű segítséget ilyen lakását találni, akár saját, akár befektetési célra.

Prémium Ingatlanok - Széll Emese

Let's talk
about your dream home

I am happy to assist you during the day if you would like to give me a call on the following phone number: +36 70 343-8250, or, com respectively addresses. If it is more convenient for you, please fill out the form below and I will call you back as soon as possible.

Answer a few simple questions about your dream property


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Based on the information you provided and prepared to meet your needs, I will contact you shortly