Dr. Budai-Illyés Anett
Lawyer, property law expert
I am Dr. Budai-Illyés Anett, lawyer. After graduating from law school, I worked as a trainee lawyer at Krasznai Law Office, and after successfully passing the bar exam, I started my own practice in 2015.
Among the many areas of law I specialise in, I mainly deal with real estate law, company law, employment law and law relating to business companies, and my clients include both individuals and legal entities. I have a degree in labour law.
In addition to high professional standards, I offer speed, accuracy, flexibility and competitive service rates. In all cases, I am committed to providing my Clients with high quality and professionally correct assistance, working with them to develop the most appropriate, simple and efficient solution for the case at hand. As a lawyer, my primary goal is to ensure that my Clients can settle their disputes out of court, preferably in a short time and in a way that is satisfactory for all parties, in front of a lawyer.
Prémium élettér tucatlakások helyett
valódi luxus
Értékálló, minden részletében egyedi, igényesen kialakított belvárosi luxuslakást találni fáradtságos folyamat, ami sokaknak hosszú évek alatt sem sikerül. Jól tudom, hogy ügyfeleim számára minden idő pénz, emiatt nyújtok teljeskörű segítséget ilyen lakását találni, akár saját, akár befektetési célra.