Interior designer
Nearly 20 years in corporate communications has taught me to have a project-oriented approach, to work to deadlines and to work as part of a team. My aim is to use my experience and fast, accurate planning to help investors get their properties into use as quickly as possible by optimising their assets.
My services
-interior design of apartments, houses, design, preparation of construction documentation, furnishing, design supervision;
- interior design consulting, when the plans are already roughly put together, but something is still missing to make it whole;
- finish styling, when only a little extra is missing to bring the finished apartment to life- home staging: preparing the home for sale or rent, increasing its value;
- project management, from design to turnkey, so that my clients can focus on what's really important.
+36 30 979 2773
Prémium élettér tucatlakások helyett
valódi luxus
Értékálló, minden részletében egyedi, igényesen kialakított belvárosi luxuslakást találni fáradtságos folyamat, ami sokaknak hosszú évek alatt sem sikerül. Jól tudom, hogy ügyfeleim számára minden idő pénz, emiatt nyújtok teljeskörű segítséget ilyen lakását találni, akár saját, akár befektetési célra.