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What is the value of the motherland?

In our small country, the love for wine is akin to the affection for the motherland—unshakable and deeply rooted. This is especially true in the Eger wine region, where generations of winemakers have been crafting wine for centuries. Since the time of Dionysus, wine has brought communities together. By blending tradition with innovative practices, one can achieve a truly divine, enjoyable result. For a farmer who values the heritage of the wine region, this is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact!
Reading time:
Emese Széll
Luxury real-estate expert

A fully equipped winery, just waiting for its owner?

It’s not a dream—it's reality! This winery and vineyard in Szomolya, complete with a bottling plant, is ready for an investor who envisions the potential in its vineyards and the capital that the vines can bring. Located in the western part of the Eger wine region, this estate represents immense value for those familiar with local wine culture. While renowned experts could discuss its worth for hours, the simple truth is that craftsmanship equals efficiency.

From growing grapes and aging wine to bottling, each phase is integral to the process. When these steps are executed with artisanal methods, the uniqueness of the final product is assured. The estate has everything needed for a new brand to flourish and bear sweet fruit.

The vineyard spans 31 hectares and features varieties typical of the Eger wine region. The newly constructed cellar system includes both oak barrels and stainless steel tanks for wine aging. In addition to the farmhouse, machine room, vineyard, and machinery storage, there’s also an office furnished and equipped with cameras. And of course, the estate comes with all the necessary machinery for vine cultivation, including a tractor and forklift.

What is hidden in the womb of the earth?

Acres of History. An Opportunity to Create a Future Rich in Sips. Ready to Start Now.

Are you seeking an adventure that offers not only a sound investment but also a lifelong goal with a close connection to nature? The Szomolya estate could be exactly what you're looking for!

Emese Széll

private realtor for premium clients

My goal is to match home investors and prospective homeowners with their perfect property - one that brings both joy and a solid return on investment. I believe that understanding my clients' needs quickly and accurately is crucial to finding their dream home. I am dedicated to spotting and seizing unexpected opportunities, and I bring persistence, creativity, perfectionism, and a results-driven approach to every project.
Feel free to reach out to me during the day at +36 70 343-8250 or at info@premiumingatlanok.com or szell.emese@dh.hu. Alternatively, if it's more convenient, you can fill out the inquiry form below, and I'll get back to you at your preferred time